Information Technology Development Trends in the Post-Pandemic World

Every new year comes with its challenges, opportunities, and—let’s not forget—surprises. In 2021, the world was still reeling from the devastation of the COVID-19 pandemic that impacted every layer of society. Businesses that thrived over the years had to furlough many of their workers, and small businesses needed to fight tooth and nail to survive. As more and more people gain access to vaccinations and boosters, hopefully, 2022 is the light at the end of the tunnel. Businesses should start to recover this year, with many companies having begun to adapt and rethink their operations in the post-pandemic world. With the working from home arrangements and flexible working, Information Technology (IT) undoubtedly will continue to be in the spotlight throughout 2022. This short article will look at some IT development projected to mushroom in 2022.
Modernising Workplace
The pandemic ultimately forced us to accelerate workforce transformation. Business owners must channel considerable resources to modernise their workplace and optimise hybrid working. Otherwise, they will face one of the biggest challenges in this era – reliance on outdated technology. Companies will have to keep pace with the latest technology development as their competitors will also develop newer business models that extensively leverage technology. The increase in reliance on technology throughout the workplace also means that it is essential that companies have a culture that supports a tech-savvy workforce.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Advancement
2022 will be an exciting year for businesses utilising AI in businesses. Generative AI is used to identify and personalise marketing content. This will also lead to more AI being used to learn about users’ preference through algorithm improvement. In addition to that, the utilisation of AI for internal operations is increasingly ubiquitous, leading to significant time savings and enhancing employees’ productivity. It is also predicted that AI will be used to further add efficiency to the workforce by enhancing cybersecurity, human resources and cloud computing.

Data Privacy
Due to social restrictions, many parties have realised that establishing strict data privacy and security regulations is increasingly critical as a large portion of work will be carried out online. At the moment, many countries have started to design their data privacy regulations to ensure that the digitisation of business will not harm personal data. For instance, the European Union has the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and Singapore recently further amended their Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA). The amendment enhances consumer protection and accountability about how organizations use personal data. It will not be surprising that more countries will further strengthen their data privacy regulations to continuously ensure that organizations treat their personal data when collecting and disclosing them. Cyber security will rise in importance given the prevalence of IT systems and the sheer amount of (personal) data it holds. According to research, the cyber insurance market is expected to grow by $20.4 billion by 2025.

Staying Relevant
Digital transformation is the future. To remain relevant, companies will eventually need to embrace it. As businesses develop their unique way to gain profit and thrive, we believe that you would want the same thing for your business. ForBis has an extensive network of professionals from various fields to help you navigate this increasingly connected and fast-paced world. Talk to us today!