Planning and Organizing Tailored Workshop with Added-value

ForBis had the chance to design a 12-week workshop conducted virtually where participants will learn the knowledge and gain valuable insight that will help them build their start-up. The topic for the workshop covers operation, finance and brand strategies. Aside from obtaining training from the workshop, participants will also have the opportunity to find their co-founders to build the business with the guidance of experienced mentors.
ForBis will be responsible for delivering three objectives:
 Effectively disseminating information and facilitating participants
 Facilitating and arranging communication for the participants
 Conducting and facilitating the program and training workshop.
Why is ForBis Ventures the perfect partner for the engagement?
ForBis Ventures is part of a group of professional services companies. ForBis Ventures provides venture building services through the provision of mentorship and working with founders on fundraising, business modelling. We also support other key start-up activities (such as accounting, tax, recruitment, corporate advisory) through the various entities within the group. ForBis professionals have numerous years of experience in various industries; this will undoubtedly benefit the engagement process that requires high-level expertise across sectors.
Organizing an engaging & interactive workshop can be challenging, especially in the current Covid-19 situation, which requires more thoughtful planning on the workshop, from the material itself to the execution. To deliver a quality workshop experience, before we come up with the topics for the workshop, we will try to delve into the participants’ needs by conducting research on the backgrounds of applicants and aligning it with the university’s goals, as well as the current market and trends. This step is critical since the topics chosen may not be relevant to all participants.
ForBis has developed several curriculum topics suitable for people interested in starting their own business and those who have already started their business. To maximise the benefits of the participants, we summarised the potential participants’ needs into four sections: Brainstorming and Idea Generation, Business Strategy and Growth and Market Fit, Validation and Stakeholder Management.
The programme included multiple mentoring sessions so that the participants could interact with successful founders from various industries. ForBis believes that by including mentors in the programme, participants could benefit from seeing how the theories are being applied in real world situations and start building a mutually beneficial network for their start-up.
ForBis took advantage of the messaging platform Telegram to accommodate participants’ questions and discussions in a casual and relax manner. Participants can ask questions, discuss a topic, or seek advice from mentors or peers.
ForBis – Providing client-centric solutions to ensure our combined success
ForBis believes in delivering quality solutions to establish mutual trust between the client and us. For that reason, in this engagement, we believe that several features will enable participants to stay connected with the mentors and other participants easily. This added-value include:
• Development of 2-3 consumer profiles
• Market Statistics
• Product Roadmap
• Business Model Canvas
• Value proposition Canvas
• Financial Projection
• Establishment of foundations for personal branding
• An actionable plan to get the first three customers
• Sample Company Constitution
• Sample Shareholders Agreement
• Sample ESOP
• Company Deck
Based on our experience, not only have we successfully delivered the projects, but we have also adapted to changing needs as both parties see fit. As a company that offers a competitive advantage, we believe that the client will obtain the best possible service.
What to expect?
The key to a successful training workshop does not stop at good management and providing learners a platform to brainstorm. ForBis understands that it is crucial to design modules that challenge the learners. Therefore, we believe that all of the well-crafted modules that we present will contribute to the learners in addressing the challenges in each module, which will prepare them for real-world problems. This will help them come up with their own conception of solutions to problems, thus motivating the students to continue learning. ForBis is well aware that some downside to online workshops is that sometimes it could be focusing solely on knowledge acquisition rather than solving complex real-world problems. For that reason, we gave our best to design the whole aspect of the workshop that will help learners engage in high-level learning. This includes collaboration, reflection, and problem-solving.
In ForBis, we believe in redefining and rethinking the challenges served to us. In this case, we understand that the problem doesn’t stop with delivering a workshop that fulfils the university’s objectives. We understand that the workshop should make learners integrate their experience and knowledge with the new knowledge they obtain from the course. This will enable learners to establish meaningful connections with the modules provided.